Saturday, May 23, 2009

to faith

monster greed sting

did you know there used to live here a long time ago there lived a giant who in hunger
was devouring every thing that lived and breathed. moose, bear, wild cats, mice all were food for the grotesque monster they tried to kill him but couldn’t pierce his heart, for it was found in his left heal. all creatures despaired of life.
it was in this miserable condition one of the last of the brave young men came forward in counsel and presented his plan. much loved for his kindness and bravery, the people at first cried out in protest not wanting to sacrifice the best of them to the worst monster. but being without any other choices with tears and prayers sent him to his fate. without fear he ran to sound of the giants foot falls, and lay down, feigning death in the giant’s path home, in order to be taken alive to learn of the giant’s weaknesses. the giant being fooled scooped the man up, saying with swollen pride, “ these people are so weak and afraid now they die from the sound of my feet. ha, i don’t even have to chase my dinner any more.”
the brave was dumped in the house. while the giant went outside to prepare his fire, his son came inside. immediately the brave leapt from his heap on the floor and put the giants own knife to the child who confessed his fathers’ weakness. just then the giant crossed the threshold, the man immediately stabbed the huge foot, over and over, till blood thick as rivers ran black down to the puget sound, and the giant fell dead. the giant who was about to devour all things was killed by man.
this giant though laughed with his head, “ i am a giant, ha! even dead i am hungry, i will eat flesh forever.”
“ oh no you won’t! the man retorted and pulling the giants hair cut off his head and threw it into the fire. then with the giants own knife cut the whole body into manageable
pieces throwing all into the fire and when it had burned down, scattered the ashes to the wind.
as the wind pulled the ash up into the air, the billowing cloud turned into a fog of buzzing mosquitoes. out of the cloud the man heard the giant still laughing,” HA, HA! i
am a giant, i’ll eat flesh for ever.”
that is why we have mosquitoes today. that is why mosquitoes are such a pain in the ass, swarming with the nature of giant behind them. and that is why i still have hope, because even if the giant’s hunger can never be killed, it can be changed from death to life if we act quickly.


Unknown said...

ahaha lol it should miss me lol:) I am awesome:)):))

Faith-R-Michaels said...

Andrew-I am honored by ur story Truth-- Thank U- now I have something for U and I know that U will hear from the Creative heart.My next post is 4 U.
Many Blessings on this beautiful day the Creator has made for U.

Eviville said...

In their buzzing, you can hear the "FEE FI FO FUM". Remember counting our personal giant death rates in Kingston evenings? We would kill 40 or 50 in a night.