Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i spoke plainly to her cause she wanted
to live like a a bachelors freedom
but she cried like a women
weeping about her sisters who had married well
hitched themselves to mounties
and computer programmers
and she herself was broke
destitute, without hope
of prosperity
i told her
“it’s a big world, you have to twist your head around
to see it”
then i jumped out of the decomposing el-camino
slammin that ricketty shit shut behind me
no sympathy from me, she pissed me off
with her self filled eye, that and her cigarette smoke
i know, i know
it’s a womans’ right to choose
but why does that political statement from women
have to mean death
is that too a modern feminine virtue. regardless
let all women and men know
when we accept freedom
we lose the right
to bitch about it’s results
there’s no crying in the
land of the brave


Unknown said...

Nopes...Im Orthodox :) Y?

Unknown said...

eh yeah if i remember right it turn every like 72 years i think. See but I always asked myself Y do people always try to go beyond ?! I dont really understand Symbolism , never really thought about it , but it seems to me that people , try way to hard to find something where there is nothing.. to go beyond words, imahes and thoughts.I am not saying it is wrong , but if the end is near , I am pretty sure there is nothing we can do about it. We started somewhere, but we have to end somewhere also.

Faith-R-Michaels said...

I very much like this one my friend.Too True.